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Ever since: 2003/3/27
Last checkup: End of September/Start of October

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♪ Now playing: Drive Me by K-Girls

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Cynthia's Room is just your average graphic resource and personal blogging site. It originaly opened on June 11, 2002 as a Korean language site named Jeji's Corner. Here in Cynthia's Room, the webmistress offers a variety of free to use layouts, wallpapers, HTML tutorials, and even more stuff. You name it, I have ALL of them ready for you.

You are currently viewing the second version of Cynthia's Room, also known as Stardust. The above image is based on an album I'm randomly interested in and was made in Photoshop 7.0. And before you leave, don't forget to sign my guest book!

If you want to be an affiliate of Cynthia's Room, you can apply by commenting a request on my Neocities profile or email me at! If you are an affiliate and have a 88x31 button, I will add you onto my 'Links' page ^_^

Newest layouts

Name: ???
Created by: cyncatcher
Date: January 1, 2000
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Schooling and coding...
I have a new affiliate! Go check out Nikki from

Long time no see, my fellow supporters! So recently, I just started school again, but now I'm in the 10th grade :) and that's why I couldn't update much...
Well, it's not like I code for my room during the morning or afternoon anyway! But yeah, I refuse to believe I'm now in 10th grade, man I feel ancient :/

Moving on, when I checked my network yesterday I noticed that my site started to gain more attention. Now I have 4 supporters, several people have clapped and I even have an affiliate! o_o
I was really shocked to see that someone signed my guestbook (that someone being Nikki, and if she's reading this, thank you for crediting me for using my music player)! People usually avoid my guestbook, but I feel loved XD

I have been working so hard at a point I'm dedicating my life to fixing my coding and adding more stuff on to my website for people to enjoy (if they will).
Another thing I've been thinking about doing on my site is to translate it into Korean, another language I can speak, kinda like a 'multilingual' type of site as I used to do on my older site <-- Only true Jeji fans would know!
I don't know if anyone would want to browse on a site that's in a language 75 million people can speak but whatever, you do you I guess! That's all for now, 다음에 봐!!

5 Sep 2004 | 7:07 PM | Update by: cyncatcher

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